At Physicians Surgery Center, we partner with area clinics to deliver high quality medical care at what is often much cheaper than the cost of a hospital stay. Surgery centers like ours specialize in same-day outpatient surgery, allowing our patients to recover at home.
Our providers are board-certified physicians who use state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge techniques to provide the best outcomes for patients. Your surgeon is supported by a highly skilled team of registered nurses and medical technicians specially trained in surgery and recovery care.

We are dedicated to providing the highest level of medical care. We are licensed by the State of Tennessee, certified by the American Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care and a member of the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association. We provide a broad range of outpatient surgery procedures in a safe, welcoming environment.
Why Choose Physicians Surgery Center?

At Physicians Surgery Center, you will have …
At Physicians Surgery Center, we strive every day to deliver the highest quality of medical care at a much lower cost.
What is an ambulatory surgery center?
Ambulatory surgery centers are health care facilities that focus on providing efficient, same-day surgical care, including diagnostic and preventive procedures. They have transformed the outpatient experience for millions of Americans by providing them with a convenient alternative to hospital-based procedures, and they frequently do so with a strong track record of quality care and positive patient outcomes.
Patient satisfaction is a hallmark of the ambulatory surgery center industry. When the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services surveyed Medicare beneficiaries who had one of four procedures in an ambulatory surgery center, it found that 98 percent were satisfied with their experience. The high level of professionalism, quality and safety offered is an important reason why patients and physicians choose these facilities for procedures.
Studies overwhelmingly show that the quality of care delivered in ambulatory surgical centers is equal to or better than comparable hospital care. At most centers, at least 70 percent of their surgeries start within seven minutes of the time the procedures are scheduled to begin.
Beyond superior quality of care, ambulatory service centers offer many cost advantages. Since 1982, when Medicare began reimbursing the facilities, they have saved the program billions of dollars. Medicare and its beneficiaries pay, on average, 72 percent more in a hospital or hospital outpatient department than they would pay for the same procedure from the same surgeon at an ambulatory service center. Much of the same is true for privately insured or cash-paying patients.
The facilities are not rural health clinics, urgent care centers or ambulatory care centers that provide diagnostic or primary health care services. They also are not physicians’ offices; rather, they only treat patients who have already visited a health care provider and selected surgery as the appropriate treatment for their conditions.
Anti-Discrimination Policy: We are proud of the services we provide to our patients, the medical professionals and clinical facilities that we serve. Click here to view our Anti-Discrimination Policy.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): Click here to view our Privacy Notice.
Read our Mission Statement: Click here.
Patient's Rights and Responsibilities: Click here.